Monday, December 31, 2007


I have been recieving emails asking to show the video of a busted TV. I have yet to fulfill this promise. The television is still in storage.

Ever since school ended I have been leading a life of extreme laziness and grown fond again of technology. This past week has been the worst week of my life for this. All I did was watch television at my friends house and played video games on my computer.

I went to sleep last night knowing what had to be done. The final act of killing my television must serve as the break I need to get my creativity and life back on track. I have lost so many hours to TV since my TV fast ended that it feels like all I did was for naught.

Once I find a digital camera, I will do it as soon as possible. Not just for you, but a final act of rebellion against something that has control over me.

Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Answers to Questions.

I should of started this quest after school was over. I wanted to update this blog everyday and do so much with the knowledge I have about television. I was so focused on school I didnt have time for anything fun. But, finals are now over, and so is my TV fast.

I still want this blog to be a place people can learn about the media, television, and the way it influences our culture and our minds. So I will continue to put information on here as I see fit.

I am waiting for the weekend to destroy my TV. Its still in storage and waiting for the sledgehammer. I dont miss movies at all, I still hate television, but video games are what I am going to miss.

So on Saturday I am hoping to have the film, then I will post it on this blog.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Its been so long!

Sorry for the lack of updates, but finals are approaching and I have been doing my damndest to get A's in both classes.

I almost failed my no TV for 30 days over the weekend. I drove over to a friends house; they were watching Shawn of the Dead. I wanted to hang out with them and not the television, and I felt awkward sitting in a corner reading. I found myself arguing that I only have 10 days left, cheating would be so bad. But I perservered and after the movie we had a writing/reading night to pass the time. We are thinking about starting our own writing group.

I have 8 days left of Kill Your Television! Then a big sledgehammer and a video camera witnessing the murder of my lifelong companion. I will upload the video the next day, and update this blog as much as I can until then. I will also keep posting on the blog after the 30 days is over and try to be a voice in the darkness against the glow that lightens your living room.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I just don't know anymore...

Sorry for the lack of updates. My brother is being shipped out early tomorrow morning for the Air Force. I don't know what to feel. It feels like I just broke up with someone I loved, but it hurts more in the bones, deep down. I know I'll still be able to see him, like once every few months and he won't be going to Iraq or anything, but it isn't enough to stop this pain.

TV is such a comfort food. That has been all I could think about doing since he got called up. Watch TV. Shut away and ignore the pain. Without TV I have been finding myself not able to concentrate on anything, I just float through the day thinking how much I will miss him.

I guess this is what it means to be human. Feel pain without anything to make you forget it. To numb it. It is interesting.

I just don't know. I feel lost. Like I am loosing someone I have known my whole life. Like he will just disappear.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Another 3 or 4 days...

Funny. Now I don't even want to be on the internet as much as I used too. I think this is why I am having trouble updating this blog.

Today, besides telling you how hard its been the last 4 days or what television show accidentally crossed my vision while I was in a friends house, I will tell you what I have been doing instead of watching television.Then later today, when I feel more creative, I will post a discussion I had with a friend that relates to how television can brain-wash you into thinking its not even television telling you to do certain things!

I read, a lot.
I write, a lot.
I have caught up on my homework.
I workout.
I haven' yet, but I have had a real craving to start drawing again.
I have conversation with real people in front of real people, not in front of a TV.
I prepare a lot of raw foods.
I lay on the floor looking at the ceiling listening to amazing music.
I read Calvin and Hobbes.
I play with my cat more.
I have made decisions to do other things that now I have time for, but that haven't been done yet.
I think about writing a lot.
I try to figure out how I am going to move to Portland with as little amount of money as possible.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

3 days late

It has been much longer than anticipated.

The first weekend of my anti-tv crusade. It was horrid. I found myself bored a lot of the time, bored enough not to want to read, or write. I would sit there, looking at the ceiling, my mouth open, drool coming out of my mouth. Scratch that. It wasn't that boring.

I have found that now I crave the company of others. I used to be such a loner, content in staying home everyday and only venturing out when I needed too. The movie actors and the video game text were my means of conversation. Now that those are gone, I crave people like a drug. Just listening to others, their words on their lips, is amazing. I don't think I ever listened to anyone. In usual situations, I would sit back and catch enough of the conversation to keep it going, but never paid attention to the inflection in the voice, mannerisms, hand movements, the language used. Conversation. I never realized the importance of words until I listened to someone with my full attention. Beside our clothes, our cars, our haircuts, conversation I believe is what society relies on most to judge another, and is the first step in learning about someone. Perhaps the only step.

I caught myself watching a music video on youtube yesterday. Once I realized, I clicked the X on my web browser. Harder than I thought. Still...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I had too...

I didn't have the motivation today for this blog. It's almost 11pm, the end of the day, and I am writing. Between school, this blog, and my own personal fictions, I feel I never stop writing.

Remember what I said yesterday? About how your mind works in such a way that it relates everything you do with what you have seen on the television, yet you are too unaware of this because you are still trapped in the cycle of digital landscapes and boredom? I have been off TV for 4 days now, and it's worse than ever. I notice more now that I have stopped watching. I write my stories, I think of movies. I talk to my friends, I think of sitcoms. I write my emails, and want to scream out memorized dialog from Fight Club. "You are not your jobs! you are not your watch! you are not how much money you have in the bank! you are not your khakis!"

I AM NOT TELEVISION. I am shocked I have been ingrained with information that is rather useless for living life. Do I know how to hunt if I ever have to? No. Do I know how to build a solid shelter in the forest if I ever need to escape or find myself lost? No. Do I know how to survive in this world without a tube feeding me information? No. Do I really know what foods to eat, what music to listen too, what cat food to buy? Or is it someone telling me these things. Telling me you must be comfortable in your life to survive. You must give up. Never question your primal survival skills, my light will shine in the darkness of your living room to guide you. I am your mother. I am your culture.


I don't know how, but I WILL force you out of my life. Out of my head. Free in all the ways you are not. Free to choose and survive without the constant whisper of mother culture in my ear. (Ishmael reference, if anyone asks.)