Speaking the truth, I miss television. Its only the second day! On Monday I had school and homework to fill up time. Today I have nothing. No school, little homework. I finished working out and sat on my couch. I picked up a book, read a couple pages, placed it back down. I wandered around my small apartment bored. I turned music on, then I turned it down, then off. Back on again. I then decided to write what I am experiencing.
I feel I have ADD. My mind will not focus, for long or short periods of time. I just had a body numbing work out and all I want to do is rest. But usually resting after a work out means popping in a movie and zoning out.
I turn the music down, hoping it will help me focus. Its eight o clock. I have three long hours before bed time. Three hours of wishing I was watching a movie, playing video games. I jump from thought to thought, like my cat jumping at a red laser after I gave him catnip.
I turn the music back up, trying to drown away my thoughts of televised madness.Am I detoxing it out of my system? The cravings will go away, but not until they drive you to the ground screaming in frustration.
Maybe I will meditate. Quiet the mind. It works for Buddhists.
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Who knew TV withdrawl would be so potent? I read somewhere about how American's have really short attention spans. Actually, I think it was a review for the French movie Cache. It went into how the movie didn't do so well for American audiences because the first few minutes are just a still shot of a street front. American movies/television shows have to have something new happening every 30 seconds in order to keep our attention. This is so obvious when I pay attention to other people's TV watching habits. My little brother, for example, tends to watch two or three shows at a time and just flip from one to the other every few minutes.
Meditation could be really cool. Reading always works for me, but I'm insanely into books.
I always loved watching movies from other countries. A film class I took was nothing but that for a couple of months. This whole TV ADD reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin sits in front of a TV watching Saturday morning cartoons and eating really sugary cereal telling Hobbes that commercials need to be 10 seconds shorter, and we need more violence in everything. Rather funny. I'll post it on my blog when I get home.
By the way, I added a link to here on my blog. Just fyi
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