Monday, December 31, 2007


I have been recieving emails asking to show the video of a busted TV. I have yet to fulfill this promise. The television is still in storage.

Ever since school ended I have been leading a life of extreme laziness and grown fond again of technology. This past week has been the worst week of my life for this. All I did was watch television at my friends house and played video games on my computer.

I went to sleep last night knowing what had to be done. The final act of killing my television must serve as the break I need to get my creativity and life back on track. I have lost so many hours to TV since my TV fast ended that it feels like all I did was for naught.

Once I find a digital camera, I will do it as soon as possible. Not just for you, but a final act of rebellion against something that has control over me.

Stay Tuned!

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