Thursday, November 22, 2007

Another 3 or 4 days...

Funny. Now I don't even want to be on the internet as much as I used too. I think this is why I am having trouble updating this blog.

Today, besides telling you how hard its been the last 4 days or what television show accidentally crossed my vision while I was in a friends house, I will tell you what I have been doing instead of watching television.Then later today, when I feel more creative, I will post a discussion I had with a friend that relates to how television can brain-wash you into thinking its not even television telling you to do certain things!

I read, a lot.
I write, a lot.
I have caught up on my homework.
I workout.
I haven' yet, but I have had a real craving to start drawing again.
I have conversation with real people in front of real people, not in front of a TV.
I prepare a lot of raw foods.
I lay on the floor looking at the ceiling listening to amazing music.
I read Calvin and Hobbes.
I play with my cat more.
I have made decisions to do other things that now I have time for, but that haven't been done yet.
I think about writing a lot.
I try to figure out how I am going to move to Portland with as little amount of money as possible.

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