Thursday, November 15, 2007

I had too...

I didn't have the motivation today for this blog. It's almost 11pm, the end of the day, and I am writing. Between school, this blog, and my own personal fictions, I feel I never stop writing.

Remember what I said yesterday? About how your mind works in such a way that it relates everything you do with what you have seen on the television, yet you are too unaware of this because you are still trapped in the cycle of digital landscapes and boredom? I have been off TV for 4 days now, and it's worse than ever. I notice more now that I have stopped watching. I write my stories, I think of movies. I talk to my friends, I think of sitcoms. I write my emails, and want to scream out memorized dialog from Fight Club. "You are not your jobs! you are not your watch! you are not how much money you have in the bank! you are not your khakis!"

I AM NOT TELEVISION. I am shocked I have been ingrained with information that is rather useless for living life. Do I know how to hunt if I ever have to? No. Do I know how to build a solid shelter in the forest if I ever need to escape or find myself lost? No. Do I know how to survive in this world without a tube feeding me information? No. Do I really know what foods to eat, what music to listen too, what cat food to buy? Or is it someone telling me these things. Telling me you must be comfortable in your life to survive. You must give up. Never question your primal survival skills, my light will shine in the darkness of your living room to guide you. I am your mother. I am your culture.


I don't know how, but I WILL force you out of my life. Out of my head. Free in all the ways you are not. Free to choose and survive without the constant whisper of mother culture in my ear. (Ishmael reference, if anyone asks.)


Cassie the Great said...

Just don't create a Tyler Durden sort of split personality. That can't end well. What if you read books that movies are based on? Like Fight Club. You could then scream memorized dialogue from the book instead of the movie. It would totally work! Plus, the book is always better anyway.

Jeremy said...

I've read Fight Club. My favorite book ever! But I remember quotes from the movie sometimes more than the book.

Cassie the Great said...

I just don't remember what quote is from where and I'll end up quoting the book to people who have the movie memorized and then they don't get it. I think my friends should read more.

veganaron said...

I agree with Cassie. Her friends need to read more... WAIT! I'm one of her friends...